Make Your First Living Space a Home

02 Apr , 2016


Make Your First Living Space a Home

Exciting isn’t it! You get the keys to your first property in your hand, and whether it’s owned o...

Why Simple Home Decor Ideas are More Tempting than a Cinnamon Roll

19 Mar , 2016


Why Simple Home Decor Ideas are More Tempting than a Cinnamon Roll

You’ve been there before – walking through the mall or waiting on a plane in an airport, only to ...

5 insane but (true) reasons to buy a coffee table

17 Mar , 2016


5 insane but (true) reasons to buy a coffee table

5 insane but (true) reasons to buy a coffee table At Carafina it’s fair to say that we’re avid f...

Simple tips to bring natural light into your living space

24 Feb , 2016


Simple tips to bring natural light into your living space

Natural light is the best light. It can invigorate a space, making us feel better about ourselves...

Go organic and be stylishly thoughtful

19 Feb , 2016


Go organic and be stylishly thoughtful

Organic – it really is one of those buzz words that encapsulates current trends amongst those who...

Home Decorating Ideas for Small Spaces

08 Feb , 2016


Home Decorating Ideas for Small Spaces

Our living spaces are not always as big as we would like them to be, but that doesn't mean you ca...